29 Feb 2012

The Inception Vibe

Dear God,

as nice as it feels to see dreams where I am allowed to lean on the shoulder of that cute guy I've seen and who keeps being too fucking charming with that damn smirk and all (and in the dream he smelled very, very nice),

as far as I need to wake up from those dreams, please do not make me see them.

They make me sad.

On the other hand, thank you for putting that dream into another dream in which I was utterly horrified and embarrassed because I had admitted my one-sided interest, not realizing the first part had only been a dream before it was too late - that one was reliefing to wake up from.

But with other, non-depressing themes, dreams inside dreams are funnily scifi and I like the Inception vibe. It's like I could eventually wake up from my current life to hang out with Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Ellen Page.

With love,
your daughter who should be applying for summerjobs right now instead of blogging

PS. I have got the impression you're in good terms with that guy. Could you, maybe, make me seem even slightly less ridiculous to him so that maybe someday he'd talk to me?

PPS. Readers of this blog, you filthy stalkers (I love you all), please do not think I'm having a
crush (I hate that word I really do) because I certainly am not.


  1. Tää blogi on aivan sanoinkuvailemattoman uskomattoman paras! Älkää koskaan lopettako(ellei siihen ole syytä). :D

    1. Kiitos! Sinulla on kunnia olla ensimmäinen kommentoijamme! Emme aio lopettaa!

    2. Minäkin kiitän! Ilo kuulla että pidät. Lopettamisesta ei tarvinne kantaa huolta!
