16 Feb 2012

Every breath you take...

My younger brother had his last day of high school today. The tradition here is that it's basically a huge costume party for those who leave the school.
He and his girlfriend were wearing matching Angry Birds outfits.
So cute my heart melts.

But that's not what I wanted to talk about.

I'm talking about post-stalking depression.

You know the feeling when you see someone walking down the street and you think to yourself, oh man that's the hottest person ever? Well that's been happening to me. Continuously. And the hot person has been the same.

Then I did some stalking business and, as always, it changed the whole thing.

The moment I saw his name and face on facebook, I started thinking, basically:

And the problem is, nothing is wrong with what I found. Like, well, yeah, slightly ridiculous taste of music and a bit suspicious activities, but nothing I couldn't put up with.

I just don't like him anymore. I still think he's hot, but he's lost some of that magical appeal he had when he was a stranger and not some basic student with whom I have three facebook friends in common. I really miss the feeling of being excited of dreaming about that person but nothing can be done because it's all gone for good. Now, if I ever see this person again, my possible drooling will not be cute dreaming. It will feel like hardcore stalking.

This also works in the way that if I want to get to know someone who I somehow know but not personally, like in a saying hello way, well, when the situation starts to seem like they would like to get to know me too, I back off, totally turned off. OFF. (Although I need to underline that in general, men are not interested in me. Not. I think it's already said in this blog rather many times.)

Off. Odd...

Why the hell does this keep happening to me? Why can I only be interested in people that are not available? What are these symptoms?

People, I think this is one of the major problems in me not finding a significant other. (Beside the fact that I'm not someone to fall in love with, that is.)

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