4 Oct 2013

On sleeping together

To get a good night's sleep was relatively easy when I was single.

I went to bed when I was feeling sleepy, slept until I woke up and had as much room as my bed allowed.

This does not apply to relationships. Every night you need to figure out whether to sleep next to each other, and if yes, at whose apartment.

My bed is extremely narrow so I cannot expect us to sleep at my place too often. When we do, it's entirely tiring. Practicality has overrun romance. Thus, I sleep at his place most of the time. Obviously, I also need to bring all my stuff for the next day. This forces me to make choices about what I want to wear the next day, what books to bring for breaks at school... all that stuff that is highly dependent on my mood and the weather. Well, it's been alright for now. In the winter, though - we'll see. I'll do it anyway.

I need room and sometimes I need to sleep alone and I know he does, too. I have problems admitting this to myself. Even if I actually deep down was in favor of being separated for a night I, on the outside, am a total cry bitch. Can't help it. It's weird.

Then again, when I was single I used to use a lot of my pre- and post-sleep time dreaming of having someone next to me. Now that time is replaced by it actually happening. Plus, if I don't feel like sleeping, I get to annoy him by constant chatter. And he's hilarious when he's asleep and talking.

BUT my decreased amount of thinking time is a concern. I used to do nothing and think a lot. Now I feel like I'm thinking less. Will I explode at some point? Will my brain stop functioning? Who knows?

Also, I know you were expecting to hear about sex when you spotted to title of this post. You did not. Sue me. (Don't, though.)

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