3 Aug 2012

A way out?

I just need a hug.

Someone to make me feel safe, someone to take care of me, someone who'd promise it's going to be allright

because today, once again, I'm back in the dark place inside my chest and don't seem to find a way out.


  1. You can't find happiness in other people, you need to find it in you.

    1. Right, dear Watson.

      Although that sounds a little too eatpraylove-ish to me, I could say it's pretty much the truth.

      However, when I feel depressed and anxious for no visible reason, I'm not looking for feeling happy, I'm merely looking for not feeling horrible. Looking for survival, and I know every time that eventually the feeling will pass, but HELL YES other people can help when everything else fails (everything that usually makes me feel happy, and as I spend quite much time alone quite happily, I can say there are loads of things I enjoy whenever I am not caught by my phantoms of depression). Friends, yes, but they're not here to hug me at the nighttime, which is the most usual time for needing a hug.

      This post was not about being depressed about not having a boyfriend/husband. This was about being depressed about other reasons and how it sucks that I have to face it alone.

      Hopefully you get my point.
