5 Oct 2012

I love Carl and Ellie

No news. Nothing's new. Not in this front, at least.


I can fulfill my need of feelings by watching something that makes me overly emotional and that makes me cry and sob for eight minutes without being even remotedly able to stop. Even when I'm not having my period, that is. So you can just imagine what it's like when I do. I'll spend the whole tomorrow trying to scrape all the salt off my face that used to be tears until the water dried out. Probably going to look like a shaved yeti. Still talking about my face, that is.

Btw I heard the next episode on Glee is going to be called The Break Up. I'm almost crying already and it hasn't even aired yet.

Why am I so goddamn emotional about fictional characters but cannot feel ANYTHING about real people I actually know and that EXIST? There's gotta be something wrong with me.

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