20 Aug 2012

I've been sheldonized

Sheldon Cooper: I believe I would like to alter the paradigm of our relationship. 
Amy Farrah Fowler: I'm listening. 
Sheldon Cooper: With the understanding that nothing changes, whatsoever. Physical or otherwise. I would not object to us no longer characterizing you as not my girlfriend. 
Amy Farrah Fowler: Interesting. Now, try it without the quadruple negative. 
Sheldon Cooper: You're being impossible. 
[Amy leans over to Stuart] 
Amy Farrah Fowler: Hi, Stuart! 
Sheldon Cooper: Fine! 
[Amy leans back again] 
Sheldon Cooper: Amy... Would you be my girlfriend? 
Amy Farrah Fowler: Yes. 

I have recently finished watching all the seasons of The Big Bang Theory. I cannot help wondering how it is possible that even Sheldon Cooper finds a soulmate, when at the meantime I myself lie around alone watching this series. Hell, much of the time I'm naked and I got popcorn so you'd think someone would consider me the perfect woman. You'd think.......

Also, when will I learn to write dialogue that'd be as sparkly as in TBBT? But this is not a blog for rant about any other topic than oldmaidness. Thus I will remain silent on this topic.

I have settled a movie date for myself for next wednesday. ALONE. I'm planning to watch What to Expect When You're Expecting, only to drool over Matthew Morrison whilst crying about the fact I'll never be expecting.

3 Aug 2012

A way out?

I just need a hug.

Someone to make me feel safe, someone to take care of me, someone who'd promise it's going to be allright

because today, once again, I'm back in the dark place inside my chest and don't seem to find a way out.