26 Nov 2012

Examples of realism

A friend told me she has found that the height of her new boyfriend is perfect. Because he's like 20 cm taller than her and she thinks it's nice to have to get on her toes to be able to kiss him.

Yeah right. Luckily she has a realist as a friend. That is, me.

Told her that she should think things through. When they get married and spend their honeymoon in Hawaii, they'd be taking a scuba diving course. And after all that diving, her ears will get wet and then she'll be getting an ear infection. A chronic one. And where is our vestibular system again, that is, what keeps us balanced when we stand? That's right - EARS. I'd like to see her try to get on her toes then! No more kissing during that honeymoon, and ta-dah, you're on your way to an early divorce.

Choke on your cuteness.

No, really, I love you and stuff, but be a realist!!

BTW! Scuba diving was one of the very first words I learned in English! What a nice flashback! I had the Barbie Ken Scuba Diver with these:

23 Nov 2012


I'm almost officially unable to fall in love.

I mean, to that point that if there was any possibility to register this unability and thus make it official, then that'd be the case. But let's go with unofficial for now.

I hate my brain and I hate it how it won't collaborate with my heart. I hate my unability to fall for good guys and I hate my habit of only feeling physically attracted to men who aren't my type in any non-physical attributes.

Did you know that in some Samoan cultures, there is a concept of 'the maid of the village' or 'the official virgin', called taupo in their language(s)?

Current status: thinking of moving to Samoa.

(Sidenote: loving taking these ethnology courses.)