29 Feb 2012

The Inception Vibe

Dear God,

as nice as it feels to see dreams where I am allowed to lean on the shoulder of that cute guy I've seen and who keeps being too fucking charming with that damn smirk and all (and in the dream he smelled very, very nice),

as far as I need to wake up from those dreams, please do not make me see them.

They make me sad.

On the other hand, thank you for putting that dream into another dream in which I was utterly horrified and embarrassed because I had admitted my one-sided interest, not realizing the first part had only been a dream before it was too late - that one was reliefing to wake up from.

But with other, non-depressing themes, dreams inside dreams are funnily scifi and I like the Inception vibe. It's like I could eventually wake up from my current life to hang out with Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Ellen Page.

With love,
your daughter who should be applying for summerjobs right now instead of blogging

PS. I have got the impression you're in good terms with that guy. Could you, maybe, make me seem even slightly less ridiculous to him so that maybe someday he'd talk to me?

PPS. Readers of this blog, you filthy stalkers (I love you all), please do not think I'm having a
crush (I hate that word I really do) because I certainly am not.

27 Feb 2012

Duele tanto el amor

I was searching for my lost inspiration one day. Guess what I found instead? Hooray! A bunch of these!


Very, very touching indeed, but I just need to ask this. Are you actually...serious? Because


And oh how I love it how half of the songs published are about broken hearts and unfortunate love. They describe so well what I...what I believe I actually never felt in my heart ! 
I feel hopelessly emotionless and insensitive when I can't identify with any of those. 

What does that above have to do with anything? Yeah, right. Nothing. It just shows how sad my sense of humour is. Please forgive me.

25 Feb 2012

Day of Destroyed Dreams

There's a person on the internet making "Images created using law enforcement composite sketch software and descriptions of literary characters." Here.

The question that remains is:



I mean, look at that picture. Look at it. Not quite what I fancied.

PS. I also have experienced a weird feeling that I like to call numb envy & bitterness. More of that later, I think.

PPS. I hope Ling posts soon. I don't want this ugly picture to be the first thing you guys see when you come to read our blog.

23 Feb 2012

"It will taste better if you glaze the onion first"

Today's checklist:

[x] get rid of all the dust that has mysteriously gathered around here

[x] wash dishes

[x] give cooking tips

[] find employment

[] prepare your exchange application*

I think if I lived in the 50's someone would already have realized I'd make such a perfect wife.

*Oh how I would like to think, "honey I will miss you so much during my exchange student period but you know I just need to go before we start our family".

However, what I have to think is, "well, I'll just go then, I guess... who cares?"

... although, considering my level of laziness, I'd actually rather go for "oh my, the application period is over, I guess I won't go then... who cares?"

16 Feb 2012

Every breath you take...

My younger brother had his last day of high school today. The tradition here is that it's basically a huge costume party for those who leave the school.
He and his girlfriend were wearing matching Angry Birds outfits.
So cute my heart melts.

But that's not what I wanted to talk about.

I'm talking about post-stalking depression.

You know the feeling when you see someone walking down the street and you think to yourself, oh man that's the hottest person ever? Well that's been happening to me. Continuously. And the hot person has been the same.

Then I did some stalking business and, as always, it changed the whole thing.

The moment I saw his name and face on facebook, I started thinking, basically:

And the problem is, nothing is wrong with what I found. Like, well, yeah, slightly ridiculous taste of music and a bit suspicious activities, but nothing I couldn't put up with.

I just don't like him anymore. I still think he's hot, but he's lost some of that magical appeal he had when he was a stranger and not some basic student with whom I have three facebook friends in common. I really miss the feeling of being excited of dreaming about that person but nothing can be done because it's all gone for good. Now, if I ever see this person again, my possible drooling will not be cute dreaming. It will feel like hardcore stalking.

This also works in the way that if I want to get to know someone who I somehow know but not personally, like in a saying hello way, well, when the situation starts to seem like they would like to get to know me too, I back off, totally turned off. OFF. (Although I need to underline that in general, men are not interested in me. Not. I think it's already said in this blog rather many times.)

Off. Odd...

Why the hell does this keep happening to me? Why can I only be interested in people that are not available? What are these symptoms?

People, I think this is one of the major problems in me not finding a significant other. (Beside the fact that I'm not someone to fall in love with, that is.)

14 Feb 2012

A Startling Start

Okay kiddos, here's how this is going to work out:

there are two of us and we are going to introduce our cases. We pretty much promise you will have fun with us - if not bursting into spontaneous laughters due to our natural hilariousness, at least you can always laugh at our ridiculous unsuccessful lives. And guess what? We will use differing colours in co-made posts so that you can tell us apart! Talk about some fun!

We are what most people call "single" but what we call "old maids". Single sounds like a choice and having fun. Old maid is a state of mind with certain desperation and the inner knowledge of eventually having one's maiden name carved into the tombstone that will mockingly rest a couple of meters (feet, if you like) above one's corpse.

Here we go.

My name is Miia. You will see it below my texts anyway so there's no point hiding it. I don't need that much privacy anyway. I'm rather going to make this blog so damned great that it would almost qualify as part of my CV one day. At least if I'm ever going to be either a stand up comedienne or a professional whiner (and trust me, if anyone paid me for that stuff, I already would have given up studying).

I just turned 20. I have never had a boyfriend and I will never have one. There is a significant problem out there and it is that I have too high criteria:
1) I want someone I'm interested in
2) I want someone who is interested in me

Those things never seem to coincide. I've admitted it and I hope someday I will learn how to be happy by myself because that is the only way I'm ever going to live my life. For half a year, I tried not dreaming and not admitting to myself that what I wanted was a lovable man to marry and have kids with, but that didn't quite work out, so now I just say to myself, 'hey, i'd like to find my true love and start a family', although I am perfectly aware this will never happen. Delusions of grandeur. Full-time hallucinations. Fine by me.

I live with a roommate I basically never talk to, have a bunch of awesome friends I hardly ever meet, play the altosax out of tune, write fanfiction about absurd things you're happier not to hear of, stay up too late every night, believe in God, study communication, knit loads of woollen socks, hang around my apartment half naked all the time, sing awkwardly loudly, eat unhealthily, look like a Dove model with all my beloved cellulite and unwanted curves, plan to interrail in Romania next summer and every once in a while cry myself to sleep whilst thinking of my miserable and lonely life.

I tell you a secret: I sincerely believe my co-blogger will not be blogging about this subject for too long. She is too awesome to stay single. But I, my dearest - and probably imaginary - readers, will be here with you until the end of time or at least until Blogger will be closed or I die, whichever comes first. Because I'm doomed to be an old maid. And you are to read various post about why this is so and how it feels like.

Now let me just pass the writing turn to DOM's other half. I'm sure she'll write charmingly.

Hullo! This is the mysterious co-blogger writing. Mysterious, because I still want to do my everyday grocery shopping the way I have always done it (you know what it's like to be famous). You can actually call me whatever you like. My co-blogger, for instance, just named me Ling for some incomprehensible reason. So be it... Ling.

Frankly, there's not that much to tell about me. I'm an almost 20-year-old female working around 30 hours weekly and feeling guilty for not having future plans. Roughly said I spent the last 6 months not enjoying life due to a wrong decision I made. It taught me a lot, though. So, dear readers, here is my message for you today: make wrong choices! They make you much better people!
Today I'm enjoying my perfect loneliness and a broken lamp in the fridge because I have no one to fix it for me. Pathetic.

Anyway, if this wasn't a blog about despair, loneliness and sorrow, I would tell you I love people, music, nature, art, travelling, food, good movies, clichés, long conversations and spontaneity, just to mention few. But this IS a blog about despair, loneliness and sorrow. That is, optimism will no longer be seen here unless it's a very special occasion, such as me getting married (not gonna happen) or my precious co-blogger getting married (hopefully not gonna happen, don't you dare leave me alone here). 

I do agree that I'm too awesome to stay single and I do think I would make an outstanding wife (you have no idea what you are losing, lads). Let me tell you more about that later. And yes, all the time I wish I had a reason to leave this blog one day very soon. Blessed be that day of joy and laughter! ( as you can see, dealing with the fact that it will never happen remains problematic...) 

If you didn't notice it yet, today is St Valentine's day - indeed, what a day for creating a blog like this! If you happen to spend it all alone at home weeping, emptiness in your heart only, don't worry. You are not alone. 

Happy fucking Valentine's Day!!!